Philosophy Statement
When looking at the field of teaching, I feel that there are many different aspects to what needs to be incorporated in the classroom so that both teachers and students alike are able to succeed.
To begin, I know that teachers are forced to make many different types of situations every day. However, the most important is how are they going to take the knowledge that they have on any given subject and make sure that the students are able to understand the concepts. Also, a teacher has to decide how they are going to incorporate all of the different learning styles of the classroom into the assignment in order for all of the students to understand and learn to the best of their abilities. Decisions regarding discipline and structure of the classroom as well as who to deal with the discipline of each student as an individual are also very important decisions that a teacher has to continually make from one year to the next as well as from one day to the next, so that their classroom is able to maintain a certain level of order. All of these decisions are very important to the success of all who are involved in any given classroom.
Patience is a virtue that all teachers are forced to obtain in order for a healthy learning environment to exist for every student. It is a very important aspect to teaching because every student deserves the opportunity to learn any concept, whether it takes him or her longer than the others or not. Being patient with them is key. Also, the ability to remain non-judgmental towards all of the different belief systems and cultures that are present in the classroom is essential to the success of the class as a whole. Understanding and acknowledging all of these differences in your students is what creates acceptance. Each child must see that they are equally capable of learning and understanding as the next student, and this can be accomplished by the example of the teacher showing acceptance.
Finally, facilitating learning for all students is one of the most difficult things for teachers to accomplish. To do this, I feel that teachers need to first identify each student’s learning behaviors and then try to incorporate that into each lesson. If this is impossible to do for any certain student, they must change the lesson for that student just enough so that they will be able to understand; however, not so much that it is completely different from the other children’s lessons. So that all of the students have an equal opportunity to learn and understand the concepts, I feel that it is the responsibility of the teacher to not simply come up with one lesson and continue to use it over and over year after year. Instead, they should look at each class individually and come up with the best way for the students to learn the concept; even if that is different from the previous year or even the previous class if you are in the secondary schools.
In conclusion, the decisions that teachers make, the abilities they bring into the classroom day after day as well as how they facilitate learning are very are the keys to success for not only the teacher, but the students are well. The students are not simply the only ones learning; every day brings new challenges for teachers that force them to grow not only as teachers but as individuals in an ever changing world.
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