Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tuesdays with Morrie Intro

The following links provide some of the activities that were completed with my senior class while reading Tuesdays with Morrie. The celebration of Morrie Project was used for the students to demonstrate to me their knowledge of the text as well as their ability to write for multiple purposes. This project was not only a conclusion to the book, but it was also an introduction to the different types of writing that exist, such as professional writings. The students were encouraged to write for a specific purpose and to notice how their purpose changes with different types of writing.

The second link demonstrates how the students were encouraged to recognize how this book is truly a record of human experience. The students were to discuss how Morrie was truly a real person and compare their image of Morrie from the book to the Morrie shown on the video clips. This allowed me to have the students analyze multiple medias as well.

The third link is to the Mid- test that was given to the students. The students were taught all about leveled questions and they were expected to understand how their answers were to change depending on the type of question that was asked. Because the novel was read with only a class set, it took 6 weeks to get through it. For this reason, midtests as well as constant discussion and journaling. Because of the constant discussion and journaling the students did very well answering the questions fully.

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